

CCPIT Beijing Meets with CCPIT Shenzhen

2024-5-17 8:23:35

On the morning of May 13, Liu Yang, First-level Inspector of CCPIT Beijing, met with Gu Dongzhong, Chairman of CCPIT Shenzhen, and the two had exchanges on deepening the cooperation.

Liu Yang extended a warm welcome to Gu and his delegation, and introduced the “345” working pattern of CCPIT Beijing, the 2024 working priorities, and the Meeting of International Business Leaders Advisory Council for the Mayor of Beijing. He expressed his desire to deepen communication and exchanges with CCPIT Shenzhen, jointly leveraging their advantages in connecting domestic and international markets, and serving enterprises in international economic and trade cooperation. This enhanced cooperation between CCPITs in Beijing and Shenzhen aims to support the high-level opening up of both regions.

Gu Dongzhong said that since its establishment in 1985, CCPIT Shenzhen has been actively involved in the tide of reform and opening up, continuously promoting international trade and investment. To enhance international economic and trade exchanges and cooperation, CCPIT Shenzhen has built bridges for non-governmental exchanges and provided services to enterprises in their efforts to explore international markets and secure overseas orders. He expressed his expectation for closer communication with CCPIT Beijing, learning from each other’s advanced experiences, and better serving enterprises in Beijing and Shenzhen.

The meeting was also attended by Zhu Jialiang, Vice Chairman of CCPIT Beijing, and Zhan Wenqing, Second-level Inspector of CCPIT Beijing.

Our Leadership

Chairman: Guo Huaigang First-level Inspector: Liu Yang Vice Chairman: Tang Hai...