

China-Africa Economic and Trade Consultation Held by CCPIT Beijing

2024-5-9 11:03:54

To promote pragmatic economic and trade cooperation between Beijing and Africa, CCPIT Beijing held a China-Africa economic and trade consultation on April 26. Yao Guimei, a researcher at the China-Africa Institute of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, provided an in-depth explanation of the current situation in Africa and the prospects of China-Africa economic and trade cooperation. The meeting was chaired by Gao Cheng, Vice Chairman of CCPIT Beijing, and attended by Guo Huaigang, Secretary of the Leading Party Members’ Group and Chairman of CCPIT Beijing, as well as Vice Chairman Tang Haijiao and Vice Chairwoman Wu Lanlan.

Yao Guimei introduced the political situations, economic development, environment for cultural and people-to-people exchanges, and resource endowment in Africa. She analyzed the achievements and challenges in China-Africa economic and trade cooperation, examined the prospects of China-Africa cooperation, and put forward suggestions.

China-Africa economic and trade cooperation has developed rapidly under the “Belt and Road Initiative” and the principles of sincerity, real results, amity, and good faith. As Africa’s most important partner in development and financing, China has been Africa’s largest bilateral trading partner for 15 years in a row. Africa is China’s second-largest market for overseas contracted engineering and is becoming an emerging destination for investment from China. Yao pointed out that China-Africa economies are highly complementary and compatible, and that Africa has great market potential and strong economic resilience, providing good opportunities and broad space for Chinese enterprises. To further expand business in Africa and fill the gap in China-Africa cooperation, Yao proposed carrying out in-depth cooperation in infrastructure construction, the digital economy, medicine and health, climate governance, and green development, and actively helping Africa improve regional industrial chains and supply chains.

This consultation helped CCPIT Beijing fully understand the social and economic development of Africa and better play its role as a bridge for facilitating high-level opening up in the capital. CCPIT Beijing will actively deliver services to Beijing enterprises when they develop business in Africa and promote economic and trade exchanges between Beijing and Africa, contributing to the high-quality development of the “Belt and Road Initiative”.

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