

CCPIT Beijing Visits Beijing YingTian Pictures Culture Co., Ltd.

2024-5-9 11:01:50

On the morning of April 26, Zhu Jialiang, Member of the Leading Party Members’ Group and Vice Chairman of CCPIT Beijing, led a delegation to visit Beijing YingTian Pictures Culture Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as “YingTian Pictures”), where he had exchanges with Jiang Yingtian, Chairman of YingTian Pictures.

Jiang Yingtian provided an overview of YingTian Pictures’ development, its primary business activities, and the problems and difficulties it encounters in “going global”. Both parties engaged in detailed discussions regarding the opportunities and obstacles within foreign cultural trade, the policy requirements for culture enterprises venturing into global markets, and strategies for maximizing the use of international trade and investment promotion resources and platforms.

Zhu Jialiang said that as a bridge between governments and enterprises, CCPIT Beijing is committed to leveraging its specialized and internationalized capabilities to the fullest extent. This entails strengthening policy interpretation, providing guidance for promotional activities, and enhancing matchmaking services tailored to market demands. Moreover, CCPIT Beijing aims to actively steer enterprises towards global expansion, thereby fostering the development of foreign cultural trade in Beijing in the new era.

The meeting was attended by representatives from Mentougou District Bureau of Commerce and Beijing International Studies University.

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