

CCPIT Beijing Visits Beijing Import & Export Enterprises Association

2024-5-9 11:01:12

On April 18, Tang Haijiao and Gao Cheng, Vice Chairmen of CCPIT Beijing, led representatives from the Planning and Development Department on a visit to the Beijing Import & Export Enterprises Association, where they engaged in discussions with Yin Jun, Vice President and Secretary General of the Association.

Tang Haijiao mentioned that the Beijing Import & Export Enterprises Association has made significant contributions to enhancing the training of small and medium-sized enterprises and promoting import and export trade. He also noted the association's strong supported for CCPIT Beijing in conducting on-site surveys at enterprises, offering suggestions, and advocating for industry and commerce. He expressed hope that both parties would strengthen resource integration, conduct surveys on the needs and expectations of enterprises, further improve the work of the Beijing Academy of International Economy and Trade, jointly promote the development of international application-oriented think tanks in economy and trade, actively advocate for industry and commerce, and collectively provide services to enterprises, all with the aim of facilitating Beijing’s high-level opening up.

Yin Jun provided an overview of the Beijing Import & Export Enterprises Association and its work priorities, hoping to garner support from relevant stakeholders for the organization and management of foreign trade and economic activities, as well as service delivery to member enterprises. Additionally, he expected to strengthen cooperation with CCPIT Beijing, leveraging each other’s strengths to jointly promote the high-quality development of import and export enterprises in Beijing and contribute to optimizing the business environment.


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