

CCPIT Beijing Signs Joint Development Agreement with China University of Political Science and Law

2024-2-23 13:51:09

CCPIT Beijing and China University of Political Science and Law signed an agreement on the joint development on January 18. Guo Huaigang, Secretary of the Leading Party Members’ Group and Chairman of CCPIT Beijing, had in-depth exchanges with Ma Huaide, President of China University of Political Science and Law, on how to give full play to their respective advantages, share resources, expand channels, strengthen cooperation, jointly provide foreign-related legal services, enhance the construction of think tanks in international economy and trade, improve law-based business environment, and facilitate the high-quality development of the capital.

Both sides believed that the cooperation between the university and CCPIT Beijing is timely and promising, and identified three priorities for the follow-up cooperation. The first is to continue to propose good suggestions. The two sides should give full play to their respective advantages, promote the construction of application-oriented think tanks in international economy and trade, and provide intellectual support for the development of Beijing’s foreign economic and trade industry. The second is to work together to serve enterprises. Targeted at the needs of Beijing enterprises for foreign-related commercial legal services, the two sides can jointly hold seminars and training sessions, and carry out special research, to provide consulting services for enterprises and help address the difficulties they face. The third is to deepen the exchange of talents. The two sides should strengthen the two-way exchange of talents, and build internship and employment platforms for university students based on key economic and trade activities.

The meeting was also attended by Tang Haijiao and Wu Lanlan, Members of the Leading Party Members’ Group and Vice Chairmen of CCPIT Beijing, Lu Chunlong, Vice President of China University of Political Science and Law, and representatives from relevant departments of both sides.

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Chairman: Guo Huaigang First-level Inspector: Liu Yang Vice Chairman: Tang Hai...