

  • China's foreign trade up 6.3% ...


    China's total goods imports and exports expanded 6.3 percent year-on-year in yuan terms in the first five months of this year, official ...

  • China keen to resolve EU trade...


    China is open to holding dialogues with the European Union to resolve trade frictions and will take all necessary measures to safeguard the ...

  • China, Japan, South Korea to h...


    China, Japan and South Korea are set to engage in further discussions aimed at expediting negotiations for a trilateral free trade agreement...

  • Xi to attend China-Arab meetin...


    President Xi Jinping will attend the opening ceremony and deliver a keynote speech at the 10th ministerial meeting of the China-Arab States ...

  • China adds some U.S. companies...


    China's Ministry of Commerce announced on Monday the inclusion of some companies on its unreliable entities list as they sold arms to Ch...

  • Ties at highest level, Putin s...


    President Xi Jinping will roll out the red carpet for Russian President Vladimir Putin on Thursday, as the latter is set to arrive in Beijin...

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Our Leadership

Chairman: Zhang Jianwei Chairperson: Li Xiangying Vice Chairman: Liu Yang Vic...