

  • North China's land ports see s...


    Land ports in north China's Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region saw fruit and vegetable exports soar in both volume and value in the first ...

  • Improved CIFTIS to showcase ne...


    The 2024 China International Fair for Trade in Services, or CIFTIS, to be held in Beijing from Sept 12 to 16, will showcase the achievements...

  • China sees growing foreign tra...


    The foreign trade volume of tea on the Chinese mainland reached 196,400 tonnes during the first half (H1) of 2024, up 2.21 percent year on y...

  • Beijing to introduce travel pa...


    Beijing's public transportation system is set to become more foreigner-friendly, with the Chinese capital testing the feasibility of int...

  • China to review anti-dumping m...


    China's Ministry of Commerce announced Monday that it will launch an expiry review of anti-dumping measures aimed at stainless steel bil...

  • Foreign trade hits new high in...


    China's total goods exports and imports reached a new high in the first half of the year despite challenges such as escalating trade pro...

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Chairman: Zhang Jianwei Chairperson: Li Xiangying Vice Chairman: Liu Yang Vic...