

  • China's foreign exchange reser...


    China's foreign exchange reserves totaled 3.2659 trillion U.S. dollars at the end of November, up by 4.8 billion dollars, or 0.15 percen...

  • Nation steps up efforts to bol...


    In the face of sluggish global trade, China has introduced a series of measures to ensure steady import and export growth and help drive eco...

  • Economic Forecast Forum launch...


    Under the theme of "the 15th Five-Year Plan: advancing high-quality development", the Economic Forecast Forum Annual Meeting 2024 ...

  • Xi arrives in Brasilia for sta...


    President Xi Jinping arrived in Brasilia on Tuesday for a state visit to Brazil. He was warmly welcomed upon his arrival by the Chief of St...

  • China, Peru to deepen comprehe...


    China and Peru welcomed the signing of a protocol on upgrading the bilateral free trade agreement during President Xi Jinping's visit, s...

  • China, Indonesia bolster ties


    The joint efforts by China and Indonesia to forge an exemplary comprehensive strategic partnership and build a China-Indonesia community wit...

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Our Leadership

Chairman: Zhang Jianwei Chairperson: Li Xiangying Vice Chairman: Liu Yang Vic...