

  • Economic Watch: China remains ...


    Foreign enterprises remain adamant in ramping up investment in the Chinese market, as the immense potential in economic vitality and consump...

  • China's e-commerce logistics s...


    China's e-commerce logistics activities registered a steady recovery in January as the country optimized its anti-virus response and con...

  • China Focus: Local Chinese gov...


    Local Chinese governments have rolled out an array of new measures, ranging from tax breaks to incentives for capital and talent, as part of...

  • China's installation of renewa...


    China will continue increasing the deployment of renewable power in 2023 on strong demand, lower raw-material costs and a low-base effect fo...

  • China focuses on boosting cons...


    Cities, provinces announce plans to upgrade systems, stimulate spending China's major provinces and Beijing are sparing no effort to st...

  • Economic Watch: China's econom...


    In its three-year-long fight against COVID-19, China posted outstanding results in economic development and epidemic control, reinforcing it...

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Chairman: Zhang Jianwei Chairperson: Li Xiangying Vice Chairman: Liu Yang Vic...